Quotes about unreported (8 Quotes)

    The great, unreported story in globalization is about power, not ideology. It's about how finance and business regularly, continuously insert their own self-interested deals and exceptions into rules and agreements that are then announced to the public as free trade.

    But they have been one of the unreported beneficiaries of this run-up, and while the major marketers probably won't do the nuclear option, there are a lot of independents out there really considering it,

    This is a horrendous crime they just crashed into the residences and began hitting and shooting. There's been a series of home invasions of Hispanics. Much of it goes unreported to the police.

    Much of the time these ... sexual assaults will go unreported because of the stigma that still prevails. As a result, these women might also miss that window of opportunity to access medical care.

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