Quotes about unsecured (12 Quotes)

    We have substantially and successfully concluded our asset disposition plan and intend to promptly apply these proceeds to repay our senior unsecured notes. These actions will significantly improve our financial flexibility and interest coverage, providing us a much broader ability to address business issues and further enhance shareholder value.

    How sad it is that today the court system has told the public that if you leave loaded firearms unsecured lying around your house, and someone dies, you will not go to jail. As a matter of fact, you really won't get into much trouble.

    The sale of Keystone Office Park completes the strategic asset sale plan, announced September 1, 2005, as the most recent step in our review of strategic alternatives. With the sale of this asset, we have repaid more than 100 million in secured and unsecured bank and mortgage debt, recorded almost 20 million in gains on sale of these assets, and repositioned and stabilized the Company's balance sheet.

    Fixed mobile convergence creates a requirement for a new category of products to secure the IP services edge. With convergence, previously closed and protected networks such as mobile and cable, become open to the public Internet, making them extremely vulnerable to malicious attacks. While creating enormous new revenue-enhancing opportunities for service providers, the new IP services edge also becomes a dangerous frontier if left unsecured.

    Lenders don't like people taking out unsecured loans for their deposit. A substantial loan brings down the amount of mortgage you can afford to borrow, and if you try to get an unsecured loan without telling the mortgage lender, you are deliberately misleading your lender.

    I used to advise 13s for two reasons where consumers are behind on their house payments or they need more time to pay student loans, taxes, child support or alimony. Now 13s will be for credit cards and unsecured debt.

    We are pleased to report another quarter of strong financial and operational results, as well as the completion of several activities that position us well for 2006. During the fourth quarter of 2005 we opened one new development project, entered into a land development joint venture, acquired interests in two regional malls, sold twelve non-core retail real estate assets, issued 1.1 billion of unsecured notes at attractive coupons, and expanded and extended our corporate credit facility on more favorable terms. In addition, our development program continues to proceed with six projects under construction. We are also pleased to announce today an 8.6 increase in our common stock dividend.

    People have to have access to information in order to do their jobs, and we need to make them understand what is secure and what is an unsecured venue for information transmission,

    Retail banking remains a concern, as does unsecured lending. However, with bid speculation helping the valuation, this should provide support for the share price.

    If your standard of living is going to drop, you've got to pay real close attention to things like your credit rating and staying ahead of unsecured debt such as credit cards, ... That will be worth its weight in gold down the road.

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