Quotes about unselfishly (15 Quotes)

    We haven't been scoring consistently, so we wanted to be aggressive on defense and force the other team to make mistakes. We had excellent practices over the break, and we played unselfishly tonight.

    No thoughtful man ever came to the end of his life, and had time and a little space of calm from which to look back upon it, who did not know and acknowledge that it was what he had done unselfishly and for others, and nothing else, that satisfied him in the retrospect, and made him feel that he had played the man.

    These are truly local heroes, working to make community life stronger, tighter, happier, richer -- busy people who unselfishly give their time and energy to help others, who always seem to be able to make time to offer a hand or a shoulder.

    I don't know if I'm amazed by this team or not. But it's certainly a lot more fun. These guys deserve the credit because they enjoy playing with one another. If a guy makes a mistake, we pick each other (up) and move on because they're playing unselfishly and hard.

    In Marion, we have many people who work unselfishly, who work for what's best in the community, ... especially our Marion Chamber of Commerce. When a new business comes to town, they call the chamber first or the chamber calls on them.

    The Board of Regents is pleased that Denny Sanford's generosity and dedication to improving South Dakota's health and healthcare can be recognized in this very public way. Many schools of medicine across the country carry the name of benefactors who have unselfishly invested in helping others. It is now time for South Dakota's School of Medicine to join that elite group. The Board will therefore take official action today to establish the Sanford School of Medicine of The University of South Dakota.

    That's the one thing that's the biggest part of our turnaround from last year. We only won five games last year and we didn't have any ball movement. Now we've got guys that really play unselfishly and move the ball well, and that's helped us quite a bit.

    IT is good to love God for hope of reward, but it is better to love God for loves sake and the prayer goes O Lord, I do not want wealth nor children nor learning. If it be Thy will, I shall go from birth to birth. But grant me this, that I may love thee without the hope of reward - love unselfishly for loves sake.

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