Quotes about upbeat (16 Quotes)

    We think it's likely that the stock will see a short-term rally on relief that the outlook has not deteriorated further, but the absence of bad news does not constitute an argument in support of the stock... we struggle to understand the upbeat consensus outlook for the fourth quarter.

    Sentiment seems to be more upbeat at the moment but bear in mind much of the improvement in earnings has come from restructuring, as companies take action to deal with lower sales and weaker pricing power.

    I don't know if there was any central theme or message. I didn't pay much attention to things like we were going to lose the class and all these things. I went into a home upbeat and positive and knew what I had to sell. I know we're going in the right direction.

    He used to say to us at times, you know, what we need to do as Republicans is learn to sell our message, and he was constantly looking for ways to market the message. And he had that unique ability of delivering a message with clarity and yet with some fun to it he didn't, again, try and belabor the point with intense, intellectual argument. He merely tried to show the point in a comedic and upbeat manner. And he accomplished that.

    That something extra, I believe, is a certain humanity that comes from upbeat and positive human interest letters and success stories. Advertisers like to be associated with those qualities.

    There's a new attitude up here. We see that there is a clear and precise direction that the administration wants to go. Things are upbeat and that feeling is contagious. Just like in the past when the negative behavior was here, that was contagious. We don't have to live up to the negative perceptions that were here before.

    I'd like to feel that an advertiser gets something extra when they advertise with us - a certain humanity that comes from upbeat and positive human interest letters and success stories.

    We're into a bit of the summer doldrums. There have been a lot of positive earnings surprises, but the anticipation of that has lifted markets for months, with little proof that the economy is improving enough to justify those earnings. So the mood is more upbeat, but that hasn't translated to higher stock prices.

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