Quotes about ushering (8 Quotes)

    I thought that in light of the new era that we were ushering in, there would be no better indication of the fact that the players and the league are working together to move things forward that the best indication of that would be to have Ted here. And perhaps even more important, I thought it was important for the governors to hear what's on the players' mind.

    The victory of the August Revolution and the birth of a new Vietnam were historic milestones, shattering nearly a century of cruel colonial rule and fascism ... ushering in a new era in the nation's history, an era of independence and freedom,

    Whatever fighting words you hear from the bargaining table, the reality is that with the new TV contract about to take effect and the incredibly lucrative ancillary revenue streams, both sides know we are on the verge of ushering in the most lucrative payday in the history of professional sports. The history of professional football is that nothing happens until the very last moment.

    Ushering brings so much benefit, ... There are so many people who would like to see shows, but never have because it's so expensive. . . . (Ushering) is really beneficial to those people.

    It will be good to be back in New York again for New Year's, and I'm elated that Ryan has agreed to join me in ushering in New Year's on America's favorite holiday special.

    I'm just surprised at the timing a little bit. The bottom line is, I just hope the people of St. Cloud can appreciate what a great job Craig did in ushering St. Cloud into Division I and into the National Hockey Center and increasing attendance from about 2,000 a game.

    Zephyr introduces a new Lincoln brand that's a celebration of American drive and optimism. The inspiration for these ads - and for our rejuvenated brand - comes not just from where we've been and what we've done, but from the opportunities that lie ahead. Zephyr is ushering in a wave of outstanding new Lincoln products that we believe will captivate the American consumer who's ready to reach higher.

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