Quotes about uss (16 Quotes)

    It has been more than 30 years since this disgraceful episode occurred, and I believe that the United States government should demand the return of the USS Pueblo to the United States Navy without further delay.

    I'm astonished how many people I knew, Labor and Tory, who went. I don't think you would have a million people out in the street just to say war is bad. What tipped it toward such big numbers is this idea that the U.S.'s approach is such a misdiagnosis.

    If the purpose of naming an aircraft carrier is to convey the strength and seriousness of this country and our military, then we have certainly accomplished that, ... Something tells me that any potential adversary of the United States will take notice when word arrives that the USS Ronald Reagan has been sighted offshore.

    It's good for her to choose, she knows it would be harder to place high in the 200 I.M.. The 200 free and 50 free aren't easy events but she has had good times in U.S.S. meets in those events.

    The United States will ensure that responses to this reward notice will be kept in strict confidence, ... Individuals providing information leading to the arrest or conviction of those responsible for the attack on the USS Cole may be eligible for protection of their identities and relocation with their families to the United States.

    Today, we heard him try to walk away from the USS Abraham Lincoln 'end of major combat operations' announcement, absurdly claiming that the White House was not responsible for the 'Mission Accomplished' banner that decorated the flight deck,

    The USS Carl Vinson, the carrier battle group, will arrive in central command's area later today (Thursday). Some of the ground and air forces from the United States will begin to arrive in the gulf this weekend.

    It has been almost three years since the attack on the USS Cole, but we have not forgotten this nation's commitment to bring justice to all those who plot murder and orchestrate terror, no matter how long they run or how far they flee,

    Two weeks before the attack on the USS Cole and then again two days before the attack, they saw through their analysis that a major event was going to occur in Yemen. They told the Navy not to bring the Cole into Yemen harbor. It went in and was attacked.

    Chuck's letters from the USS Mellette are full of him saying, Brad Allen really got to me about religion. I think we should have prayer in our house. I think we should say grace before meals. Brad Allen tells me if I don't start having a relationship with the Lord, I will just end up another successful executive, president of the Westchester County Golf Club, and then die of a heart attack at age 50. ... I suddenly recognized that Brad Allen did have a big impact on my spiritual development.

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