Quotes about ventilator (8 Quotes)

    All one can say is that the bleeding, we think, is easing -- but he is very seriously ill on a ventilator, ... Quite what will happen over the next 24 hours is difficult to say. He could pull through or he could get worse.

    The family needs to know whether they want to be on a ventilator or not. Discuss those issues with your friends, your family, with anyone who is likely to have significant input when the time comes. Don't leave it to the courts to designate your proxy.

    The doctor told me she would be on a ventilator for the rest of her life. My mother always told me that there were two things she didn't want. She didn't want to go to a nursing home and she didn't want to be on a breathing apparatus. I had them remove th

    The friends come in here the first few days, ... But after the first week, he's forgotten. Then he's off to (long-term care) Drake, where he will spend his shortened life on a ventilator. His friends don't see what the rest of his life looks like. There's no funeral. He's just gone from the neighborhood.

    It was a smoking-hot day, and they had one window air conditioner that couldn't keep up, ... At the time, he was still on his ventilator in his wheelchair. I remember introducing myself, and he had an infectious smile. He's such a good-looking kid. You go in there with the attitude that you're going to be the highlight of his day, and he was the highlight of my day. I walked out of there and said, 'I've got to do something for him.'

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