Quotes about vertebrates (7 Quotes)

    Based on similar ornaments found in extinct vertebrates, we think the primary function of the crest was to make the animal more attractive to other members of its species.

    This ability to recognize individuals underlies social behavior in virtually all vertebrates and some invertebrates as well. Humans clearly have an incredible ability to recognize, remember and store huge amounts of information about individuals - even individuals we have never actually met. This ability is the core of circuits that one might call the social brain.

    Ever since then, all descendant vertebrates have had the forward end of the digestive system and the forward end of the respiratory system very much involved with each other. This manifests itself in the human body with a crossing of the two systems in the throat.

    It was thought collagen was a relatively recent invention in vertebrate evolution that unites us with reptiles, amphibians, sharks and bony fishes, while the lamprey skeleton was based on quite different proteins. Knowing that lampreys also use collagen to build their skeletons makes sense. Lampreys and jawed vertebrates inherited the same genetic program for skeletal development from our common ancestor.

    Keith Brooking of course is the worst injury. He does have some chipped vertebrates in his back. How long that will be I don't know, a lot of it depends on when the soreness goes away,

    This paper opens the floodgates for studying a wide range of species. The fundamental mechanisms are probably going to be the same in all vertebrates, as even frogs and fish have gaze control.

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