Quotes about vie (15 Quotes)

    Definitely we wish we had everybody back. There's no doubt that we've lost something. But the people in place did such a good job of training their team that we've been able to move along, win races and still vie for a championship.

    I said that there could be eight teams vie for the championship. I think scheduling (the Big Ten doesn't play a round robin, so some teams play others just once) is gonna play a part in everything. I still think our conference could fight to be the strongest in the country. When you look top to bottom at the conference race this year, four losses could win it, maybe more.

    To vie for a market share, these companies have to try very means to cut the price of their products, which brought about the vicious competition among them.

    We are holding a beauty contest in drag. Any gentleman member of a team can dress up and vie for the title.

    Doctors said that the test most commonly used to screen for colon cancer doesn't go far enough. They're recommending a procedure that involves photographing the entire colon. I say, don't vie CBS an idea for another reality show.

    The glories and the beauties of form, color, and sound unite in the Grand Canyon - forms unrivaled even by the mountains, colors that vie with sunsets, and sounds that span the diapason from tempest to tinkling raindrop, from cataract to bubbling fountain.

    I see life as a complex geometrical phenomenon an equilibrium between science and spirituality. It is a temple of symmetry, beauty, love, the 47th proposition, vitality, infinite creations, curiosities, and vie.

    It will be very interesting to see who the developers of content turn out to be and how the newcomers vie in quality with the efforts of the traditional media.

    Let us have an education, that shall practically develop our thinking faculties and manhood and then, and only then, shall we be able to vie with our oppressors, go where we may . . .

    David Weinberger, veteran of Interleaf and Open Text, is now editor of the Journal of the Hyperlinked Organization. JOHO and EGR regularly vie to be weirdest, and a small but influential group of readers is beginning to constellate around this cross-site competition. In an attention economy, gonzo is a strange attractor. The dogs have it right, ... Customers want to take a good long whiff. But companies so lobotomized that they can't speak in a recognizably human voice build sites that smell like death.

    In the worst, but not implausible case, central authority in one or more of these states could evaporate as rival clans or regions vie for power -- opening the door to an expansion of terrorist and criminal activity.

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