Quotes about vigilantes (8 Quotes)

    This bill sends a bad image across the nation. It says crime is out of control, law enforcement can't handle it and we have to arm ourselves as vigilantes.

    It's not that I think inflation will be dead forever, but there are very powerful global forces keeping it low. The bond-market vigilantes are clearly trying to string up the innocent.

    Political correctness is the natural continuum from the party line. What we are seeing once again is a self-appointed group of vigilantes imposing their views on others. It is a heritage of communism, but they dont seem to see this.

    In truth, they are compounding the problem. A person who breaks the law will answer to duly-constituted authorities for their criminal acts, and so-called vigilantes are no exception,

    The presumption of innocence remains and protecting those offenders on the register from vigilantes is essential. However there must be a balance, as communities can have rights as well as individuals. Communities have the right to know who is within their midst that may be dangerous, in order to ensure the protection of our children.

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