Quotes about vinces (10 Quotes)

    We have great trust in Vince's judgment. He wanted to put it on his shoulders and win it. It went in and out. We gave ourselves an opportunity for an offensive rebounds. The basketball gods saw it another way.

    You have to give Steve McNair so much credit for being a father figure. Right now, it's popular to be Vince's godfather, but when Vince was 10 years old, nobody knew he'd be like that.

    We're excited about Vince's personality in big games and the way he handled himself at the end of last year, specifically the Rose Bowl. I think that flipped another switch for him and put him in another gear. He's pumped about this game.

    The only time coaches should be disappointed is if you have one leave that you didn't think should. But in Vince's situation, I couldn't say it was better for him to stay than go. ... I'm really excited for him. Whatever kid comes in and is close to gradu

    We have 15 starters back next year and our expectations today remain the same as before Vince's decision. We are defending national champions and will move forward.

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