Quotes about violinist (16 Quotes)

    Reber Johnson a violinist also got off another one, after I'd played over the Second Violin Sonata for himthat harmless piece. 'After stuff like that'he said'if you consider that music, and like it, how can you like Brahms or any good music' That is a very common attitude among almost all the well known lilies. They take it i.e., that attitude for granteda kind of self-evident axiom, a settled-for-life matter, ipso facto, admitting of no argument. The classical is good for all time, the modern is bad for all timeso if you like one, you can't like the other. Describing the reaction of a typical professional musician to his, and other twentieth-century, compositions. 'Lilies' was one of Ives' names for most of the concert goers of his era, who expected all music to be conventional and pretty.

    Giuliano is a fantastic violinist, and we looked for a program that would showcase him and his skills. He loves to stand up and perform to an audience, and it is hard to suppress him sometimes. He would be happy to play concertos all night, but I'm not sure that audiences could handle that.

    The violinist must possess the poet's gift of piercing the protective hide which grows on propagandists, stockbrokers and slave traders, to penetrate the deeper truth which lies within.

    If it's one thing we learned from the first book, it's that you don't have to be a prizefighter, or a world-renowned architect, or a concert violinist to have been affected by the power of words.

    That process by which you become a writer is a pretty lonely one. We don't have a group apprenticeship like a violinist might training for an orchestra.

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