Quotes about volunteering (15 Quotes)

    Animals calm people down. And pet lovers usually have gentle hearts. If you go in the other shelter, people tend to sit still and idle. Here, there's a lot going on. And what's wonderful is the way our students are volunteering and helping wherever they can. For us this is a mission that helps the evacuees and their pets as well as our students who are here taking care of them.

    We're beginning to appreciate that baby boomers aren't traditional retirees they plan to be active, whether that means working, volunteering or continuing to run a business. On the other hand, affluent individuals may continue to work to absorb steep and ever-climbing healthcare costs when they retire.

    We're volunteering our time and we'll be sleeping on cots at the Army National Guard station. We'll be eating military meals with the National Guard once we get down there. It's just tragic and we're just thankful it's not in our back yard.

    Volunteering is one of the greatest experiences you can ever have at the festival. It's the ultimate breeding ground of opportunity for all those interested in the arts, education, entertainment, film, music and event production fields. Whether you're here just to have some fun this summer or if you really want to explore career opportunities, it's all here, including the work experience and the networking with successful professionals, executives and Hollywood icons.

    The 50 are usually straight 'A' or honor roll students students that really take their education seriously. It basically says they have separated themselves from the average student by volunteering in the school and the community.

    In addition, two of the participants made a trip to the humane society to adopt animals, and several began volunteering to walk the dogs at the shelter. Many of them told us that they didn't necessarily walk in the study because they knew it was good for their health they enjoyed walking because they knew it was good for the animals.

    As a kid, I loved being surrounded by mountains, creeks and animals, and volunteering with my mom on initiatives to help protect the environment. Being part of this contest is one important way I can help ensure we all get to experience the beauty and wonder of wildlife, such as the bald eagle, that enrich all our lives and make us proud to be Americans.

    The citizens of Nevada have already begun volunteering to assist in the relief efforts, ... We applaud them for their dedication and compassion, and urge them to work with officials from Nevada's Department of Public Safety's Division of Emergency Management to begin the process to volunteer for deployment.

    After 911 we couldn't have had enough airplanes for the people who were volunteering to go. Now with 911 being as far removed as it is, the war being up one day and down the next, it becomes increasingly difficult to get people to go.

    To know that once you decide to look at life outside of the narrow limits of just your world and start to understand that you can make a difference in very simple ways - in volunteering and all the way up to bigger world problems.

    Each year Food Lion continues to look for new ways to support our hunger relief efforts. They have raised a combined total of 1.2 million in monetary and product donations in just the past two years. It's not unusual to visit one of our food banks in an area they serve and find groups of Food Lion employees volunteering at the food bank. They are a great example of a company giving back to their community.

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