Quotes about waist-deep (8 Quotes)

    Not one of my deputy chiefs left, ... We had 150 officers trapped in eight feet of water. It wasn't 150 desertions. We were fighting odds that you could not imagine. We had no food. We had no water. We ran out of ammunition. We were fighting in waist-deep water.

    This is one of the most remote and inaccessible regions of the country. The mud is waist-deep in some areas and this is making it very difficult to search for survivors and get help to the injured.

    It was hard. The gear doesn't breathe very well, so it gets real hot, real quick. It's a little like running in waist-deep water --the resistance of the pants themselves is a big challenge.

    We're working in the dark we don't have an inventory list. We had an elevator guy standing waist-deep in sewage-contaminated water, blowing on the wires so we could short-circuit the elevator and get it working.

    There's a stream crossing that can be waist-deep, and there's mud that can be almost mid-calf deep. (The runners) are in the woods. Their feet never touch pavement.

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