Quotes about wakeup (15 Quotes)

    There was a lot of security for our team, and the teams from Great Britain and Israel, ... We had armed security guards and soldiers with machine guns with us at all times. That was a wakeup call.

    We're coming off a 6-6 season and me tearing up my knee, ... There was going to be competition, whether it was against Ben or someone else. Losing to Wyoming was a rude wakeup call. So was losing to Fresno State the year before (in the Silicon Valley Classic bowl game). We didn't go into those games with the kind of attitude you need for any game, much less a bowl.

    The loss to Brewer may have been the best thing for us. It was a disappointing loss, and it served as a wakeup call that this could be over in a hurry.

    Any time you get a loss, it's a wakeup call. This is a game we really wanted to get. We got what we deserved with the ranking. We had a chance to be one of the first teams in the country to get to 20 wins.

    I think this serves as a wakeup call to Wisconsin policymakers and consumers, ... We have an emergency situation with regard to health care costs and we need to act quickly.

    He's pretty demanding. He demands you to be in the right position. He seems really intelligent. If we do things the way we're supposed to, we'll have some success. Hopefully it'll be a wakeup call, but that's up to us.

    We were more focused and ready to play tonight. The girls had something to prove. The district loss may have been a wakeup call for us. It's very difficult to have an undefeated season.

    Everything else is sacrificed to that end, ... But all of a sudden something like that happens, and if you have any air of intelligence, you've been shaken down to the very core of yourself. I know that happened to me I don't know that I was ever the same after that. After that, a lot of things became clear to me outside of football. ... You have an aura of invincibility when you're a great athlete, and all of a sudden, wow ... there's a wakeup call that your aura is a fantasy.

    When every fifth child in New York City lives in a home that doesn't have enough food, it is clear that New York City is facing a hunger crisis. You could fill Yankee Stadium more than seven times with these children. Such numbers should be a wakeup call for government leaders, business executives and average residents alike.

    Wins help your motivation and they help your confidence. We know we can do it, but we needed this to kind of give us a wakeup call. Hopefully, that's the wakeup call we need to have a good season.

    We better learn how to play with some enthusiasm and some passion and not just wait for teams to disappear. If we don't learn that, we're not going to win anything. We've been struggling with that all year long. I guarantee you if this isn't (a wakeup cal

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