Quotes about waterfowl (15 Quotes)

    Although nobody wants to have a dry year, it's really beneficial for the waterfowl habitat to be dry. That's really good for the soil, trees and other plants to be dry.

    Migratory waterfowl certainly do mix on the nesting grounds in the Arctic. The preponderate movement of this virus (from Asia to Europe) appears to be going the wrong direction to come to us although it's not impossible. But for this season, I would suggest we are without risk at this time.

    Toward sunset, waterfowl by the thousands converge on the main impoundment, so long as there's open water. The sunset return and sunrise liftoff are about the only movements we can predict snow geese and tundra swans will make. When they may arrive, where they go to feed and how long they stay at Middle Creek are strictly up to the birds and closely related to weather conditions.

    What has made Middle Creek so vital to waterfowl is its habitat diversity. Middle Creek is a shining example of progressive wildlife management. Through wildlife plantings, habitat enhancements, and wetland creation and manipulation, Middle Creek has been molded into an area that now rivals the Susquehanna River in waterfowl appeal. It has evolved into a waterfowl oasis in a section of the Atlantic Flyway dominated by intensive farming and development.

    We hear from a lot of people on waterfowl issues, but you have to wonder if you're hearing from only the vocal minority. Finally, though, we have something that gives us some real insight into waterfowl hunters.

    We know that about .15 percent of waterfowl sampled will actually have live virus and be symptomatic. That's really important because we know they can actually carry the virus.

    The Federal Duck Stamp program has made it possible for the Service and its partners to conserve vitally important wetland habitats for the benefit of waterfowl, ... This acquisition at Cache River National Wildlife Refuge is no different. But one of the reason's this program is so important to the Service's national wildlife refuge system is because the land conservation it makes possible benefits so many other wildlife species, not the least of which is the Ivory-billed Woodpecker.

    By all means they (charges) must be laid, ... It is heartbreaking to see this happen. My daughter is crying as she is helping pull waterfowl that are oil-soaked (and) half dead out of the water.

    We generally have a dozen or a little better than that. But considering the number of licenses that have just ballooned tremendously, particularly some of the nonresident folks coming in for the waterfowl and upland game hunting ... it actually becomes a small number.

    Only youngsters may hunt this day and it is a week before the season opens for all other waterfowl hunters, so young people should have a really good hunting experience. I would really encourage parents and other adults to get young hunters into the field

    They understood that most of our waterfowl, about 80 percent, came from Canada, and the Canadians weren't doing anything and our government wasn't doing anything because they couldn't spend money in a foreign country for waterfowl.

    A boardwalk in spirit if not in composition it's concrete this path runs 3 miles past beachfront hotels, restaurants, stores, museums, bike-rental shops and street performers. Three stages present free summer entertainment, and two small museums belly up to the boardwalk the Atlantic Waterfowl Heritage Museum (decoys) and The Old Coast Guard Station with nifty 'tower cam' ocean views.

    The successful history of conservation in the Big Woods of Arkansas is a result of great partnerships federal and state agencies working with other organizations, local communities, hunters and landowners. And this addition to the Cache River National Wildlife Refuge is the latest success story - one that will add habitat for waterfowl as well as the ivory-bill and other species that live in these magnificent woods.

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