Quotes about wearable (8 Quotes)

    This wearable technology space is going to become an emerging trend. As we look at different people and the way they integrate technology into their lives to stay connected, it's really finally coming together across the board with products from a whole range of industries. The key is not just throwing the technology in there, but making sure it's easy to use and something the audience can relate to.

    XM introduced several new products that could help it enter the portable digital music player market. The wearable units have a significantly improved user interface, have smaller form factor, and could offer enhanced signal reception.

    The Cordless Ring Scanner 9P from Socket is an effective solution for a variety of applications requiring a lightweight, wearable 'hands-free' method of data capture. There is no doubt that the CRS will prove advantageous in helping us secure new business for many environments, including back office, orderparts picking, warehousing and logistics.

    I hate the terminology of "costume" because my clothes are not costumes at all. I think they're high fashion, avant-garde, and more couture, definitely, and yes, some of my pieces are not particularly wearable, but I wouldn't say they're costumes, I'd say they're more couture.

    Jewelry is art, wearable art. We don't want to see the same thing on two people. We rarely carry the same piece twice. Madison is too small of a town to have two of my customers at the same function wearing the same piece.

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