Quotes about weather-related (16 Quotes)

    Roads really aren't in bad shape. We've probably had 15 or 20 weather-related accidents in the region that required ODOT crews. The snow seemed to come down heavy from 5 to 8 a. m.

    The M-7 is the best performing car that Metro-North has ever had. It survived last winter without a single weather-related breakdown. It performed in today's storm without incident. The M-7 travels more than 700,000 miles without a breakdown, although the contract specified only 100,000 miles between breakdowns. The M-7 put Metro-North on track for a record on-time performance for 2005 of more than 97 percent.

    The peak period for hurricanes is usually from August to September, so the oil market is concerned about the risk of weather-related production losses over the coming weeks.

    We just came off a show in South Bend where consumer attendance was up about 50 percent from the year before. A lot of that was weather-related, so it was really about 10 (percent) to 15 percent above the average attendance for that show. Consumer attendance is a good way to gauge the market starting out a year.

    The State Highway Patrol has responded to more than 3,000 weather-related accidents since Wednesday, ... We still urge people to take care on secondary roads and in rural areas. And especially at night in freezing temperatures it will be very dangerous on the highways of North Carolina tonight.

    Sales growth in international markets helped drive revenues to record levels for the third quarter in both the professional and residential segments, helping to mitigate weather-related softness in our domestic markets. Despite a challenging environment, year-to-date consolidated net sales are nearly 10 percent ahead of fiscal 2004's record level.

    It's all weather-related. Unseasonably warm temperatures here in the Midwest and elsewhere have taken the fear out of this market, at least for the near term.

    We hope to have the ball- fields open by the time the softball and baseball season really gets going. Plans are to have the remaining improvements done by next fall, but it is all weather-related. That is when we would like to have it complete.

    There are times when we have people on standby or other weather-related things where they have to stay in. There are a few chairs in the engine bay, but that's really all they have for space.

    Some of the strength in building permits and claims may be weather-related and so this number probably won't be repeated, but there's been a strong recovery in the index since the hurricanes and by and large we're seeing that in the economy as a whole.

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