Quotes about well-paying (6 Quotes)

    If you talk to boatyards up and down the coast, they can't hire enough qualified people in good, well-paying jobs. People who are training boat builders, they can't fill their classes. There's something wrong there.

    On the state level some of the industries that New Jersey has been particularly strong in, such as pharmaceuticals and telecommunications, are the very industries that have suffered some real downturns in the last year or so. It's costing jobs, and good jobs. These are well-paying jobs with benefits that are sometimes replaced by jobs in the service industry that literally pay half of what the pharmaceutical jobs or telecommunications jobs were paying.

    A primary goal of those who would disrupt the supply chain is to damage the U. S. economy by any means. If commerce is disrupted in a way that damages the ability of Americans to hold well-paying jobs, provide for their families and generate economic growth that helps the entire world, either through an attack or ill-conceived regulation of our international system, then terrorists will have achieved one of their key goals.

    Koreans - whose food bill as a percentage of income is higher than for citizens of almost all other OECD members - will enjoy lower food prices and a greater selection of fruits and vegetables. Money saved on food can be invested in education, leisure, and cutting-edge IT services - exactly the type of sectors that need to grow to provide future generations with well-paying jobs.

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