Quotes about well-received (16 Quotes)

    We ran a few focus groups to see what people thought. I don't believe it was too well-received. I'd hate to see us do that use replacements. I don't know how all the other owners feel, but it may be our only business alternative. I hate it. I really do. From almost every standpoint, it stinks.

    We've been well-received, very well-received. Some have come up to us and said they're excited about seeing the bikes. I've been stopped several times in neighborhoods to voice their support. It's great.

    The role of the musician is to go from concept to full execution. Put another way, it's to go from understanding the content of something to really learning how to communicate it and make sure it's well-received and lives in somebody else.

    We are thrilled with the support we are receiving from the industry on the new direction we are taking. We have lined up some of the biggest names in the business to lead sessions, and the fact that our conference registration is already quadruple what it was a year ago at this time is another great affirmation that the changes we are making are being extremely well-received by publishing executives.

    As a gift at a golf outing, camp shirts would be well-received. All men like camp shirts, but men won't generally wear them on a golf course, but will wear them to parties, dinner outings, and on vacations.

    John said that when we played a funeral in Marion it was the most unusual job we've had. The woman who passed away was a big fan of big band music, and her husband had us play some of her favorites in the church during the funeral. It was well-received and added a lighter touch to an otherwise very sad day for the family.

    Looking ahead, I'm confident that our well-received new offerings, fueled by consistent product flow and a focussed gift assortment, will ensure continued superior financial results through the important holiday quarter and into calendar 2003,

    When you consider that Symphony is currently limited to the niche of REO evictions and related post-foreclosure legal processes, reaching the 5,000 case mark in about a year's time is a good indicator of just how capable Symphony is, and of how well-received it has been. And, we are particularly pleased to have reached this milestone while maintaining a system uptime of over 99, and with our users rating Symphony among the industry's best default-related technologies.

    When we came up the road, people were on both sides waving, clapping and crying. We were so well-received. I can't describe how beautiful the volunteers were there's not enough I can say about those people.

    Today's in-line figures mark an interesting contrast with the above forecast results received recently from rival Legal and General -- where improved UK business underpinned well-received figures.

    There is some concern that even though shows like 'Entourage,' 'Deadwood' and 'Rome' are well-received, they are not replacements for the Sopranos as a top-notch series to attract subscribers.

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