Quotes about well-thought-out (15 Quotes)

    If there's anyone who's like an arrow, who's just determined to do what he really wants to do, it's Dave. You can feel that this is a really well-thought-out aesthetic sensibility with a lot of depth. That's a good model for all of us.

    That moment was very important because it was political. That's what has to be done, so they struck a deal. She figures his is a well-thought-out motivation that she felt was worthy trade-off. The motivation here is survival, and she has to think like a leader.

    I personally support it. I feel it is well-thought-out legislation that will uniform the operations of community associations. Most everything proposed in the act, The Woodlands already does.

    The City of Wilkes-Barre is moving forward in the right direction, ... Extensive, well-thought-out projects like the Waller Street replacement will prepare the city for its future.

    Dawn was written well before 9/11. People speak a lot today about the banality of evil, but not all evil is banal. Some of it is carefully structured and well-thought-out. That's where the real danger lies.

    What it is that attracts people is that they're irreverent. In today's world of polished branding campaigns and well-thought-out strategies, they're a little bit fresh. That is very appealing to the average American, especially to the young male.

    It's a well-thought-out program that's in stages so everybody can participate. It's not just about being physically fit, but getting health screenings done and taking into consideration not using tobacco.

    Setting realistic goals and having a well-thought-out plan is important. Generic competition in any given market is inevitable. Start your next- generation drug development early -- just after product launch -- and be ready to show patients that the benefits gained from the scientific advances of a next-generation drug outweigh the savings that come from switching to generics.

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