Quotes about whistleblowers (8 Quotes)

    We have a way of dealing with information that has sort of personal - personally identifying information in it. But there are legitimate secrets - you know, your records with your doctor; that's a legitimate secret. But we deal with whistleblowers that are coming forward that are really sort of well motivated.

    It is undeniable that unprecedented numbers of government whistleblowers face retaliation with no adequate protections. We are stunned that the Congress is offended to hear the truth about its failure to help whistleblowers and are even punishing their own seasoned researchers for talking about it.

    Under this administration, the value of no-bid contracts has skyrocketed Oversight of federal contracts has been turned over to private companies with blatant conflicts of interest. And when government auditors and whistleblowers do flag abuses, their recommendations are often ignored.

    When I was in government I always paid close attention to whistleblowers. While sometimes people consider them a thorn in the side, many times they're very conscientious individuals who are trying to do their job.

    I think it's fair to say that the promise of confidentiality is based on the confidence that what you're being told is true, ... You lose right to any confidentiality if you lie. Sources are whistleblowers - they're people who'll tell you the truth to change something.

    When you have more and more information being classified, and more and more secrets being kept, the only way reporters can get information is when internal whistleblowers provide it. And that drives this administration crazy.

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