Quotes about willfully (15 Quotes)

    The possibility of blanket immunity for those who willfully rape, loot and murder in the course of the civil war demonstrates a total disregard for human rights and would be an outrage for civilians who endured such cruelty.

    It is deeply regrettable that the Pakistani government has shown absolute disregard for the many direct appeals to exercise restraint and has willfully turned its back on the sincere efforts of the international community to encourage reason to prevail.

    A time will come when a politician who has willfully made war and promoted international dissension will be as sure of the dock and much surer of the noose than a private homicide. It is not reasonable that those who gamble with men's lives should not stake their own.

    I would tell you it is hard to see how Mike can make that argument with a straight face after he testified he willfully kept the secretary and the department out of the loop.

    The decision that has to be made was whether it was material, whether he knew he was lying under oath, whether he did it willfully. I think that's required of any prosecutor who is charged with an investigation of this.

    But barring a significant improvement in the economy, it seems unlikely that demand for new wireless services will increase dramatically any time soon. That further lessens the need to spend on more licenses. There is still too much supply out there and not enough demand, ... You need companies to exit the business to pull back on the supply. That will happen either willfully or through bankruptcy.

    Nor can the Apostle mean that Eve only sinned; or that she only was Deceived, for if Adam sinned willfully and knowingly, he became the greater Transgressor.

    ...Resolved, that William Jefferson Clinton, president of the United States ... in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has willfully corrupted and manipulated them judicial process of the United States for his personal gain and exoneration,

    I'm concerned that people don't take her passing as an opportunity to further antique the causes that she and her husband and others stood for. Anybody who thinks that work is over is either terribly ignorant or willfully blind.

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