Quotes about withheld (16 Quotes)

    The report of this made me exceedingly angry, for I could not see why information which a middle-class woman could get from her doctor should be withheld from a poorer woman who might need it far more.

    The credibility of the Administration was already shattered last year when we learned that higher cost estimates of the Medicare drug plan were withheld. But this new information further demonstrates what appears to be an attempt to dupe Congress and win passage of the legislation.

    But peaceful was the night Wherein the Prince of Light His reign of peace upon the earth began. The winds with wonder whist, Smoothly the waters kiss, Whispering new joys to the mild Ocean, Who now hath quite forgot to rave, While birds of calm sit brooding on the charmed wave. The stars, with deep amaze, Stand fixed in steadfast gaze, Bending one way their precious influence And will not take their flight, For all the morning light, Or Lucifer that often warmed them thence But in their glimmering orbs did glow, Until their Lord himself bespake, and bid them go. And, though the shady gloom Had given day her room, The sun himself withheld his wonted speed, And hid his head for shame, As his inferior flame The new-enlightened world no more should need He saw a greater Sun appear Than his bright throne or burning axeltree could bear.

    We see beauty punished in show business all the time. These people who have everything else beauty, fame, paycheck gold are being denied the trophy from their peers because something has to be withheld.

    Allegations that the administration withheld critical information from policymakers and threatened the career of a public servant must be fully and thoroughly investigated.

    Sonnet To a Child Sweet is your antique body, not yet young Beauty withheld from youth that looks for youth Fair only for your father. Dear among Masters in art. To all men else uncouth Save me, who know your smile comes very old, Learnt of the happy dead that laughed with gods For earlier suns than ours have lent you gold Sly fauns and trees have given you jigs and nods. But soon your heart, hot-beating like a bird's, Shall slow down. Youth shall lop your hair And you must learn wry meanings in our words. Your smile shall dull, because too keen aware And when for hopes your hand shall be uncurled, Your eyes shall close, being open to the world.

    These are monies that belong to the Palestinians and should not be withheld. It follows that the formation of a new government and the approval of its program should be awaited and that actions prior to that would be premature.

    It's 2005. We have the drugs to treat HIV, and good science shows that condoms and clean needles for injection-drug users can prevent it. But these tools are being withheld due to spending cuts, treaties blocking generic drugs and federally funded programs teaching abstinence-only. Our leaders are taking us backward as HIV rates increase. They must change course.

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