Quotes about wolfe (8 Quotes)

    New Journalism was such the rage with authors like Tom Wolfe and John McPhee. All I kept hearing was that non-fiction was so much more interesting than the novels being written at that time.

    It was the opportunity, ... to work with Tom Wolfe and Breslin and Red Smith. If you're a journalist, that's who you want to be with. (Legendary theater critic) Walter Kerr used to use my typewriter, I was so proud.

    In Wolfe, it's a 50-50 shot between LSU and USC. My hunch is that LSU will be ahead. Reason being, LSU got everything to go their way yesterday except Western Illinois a I-AA Tigers opponent that lost to Colgate. If LSU isn't second in Wolfe, it's because of the Western Illinois game.

    We were rusty tonight and hadn't played any ball games. They (Wolfe City) had already played two games, and we went in and made some adjustments at the half then came out and played better in the second half.

    Anybody who cares about the culture they are living in. There is a tremendous disconnect between regular, ordinary Americans who live in the middle of the country and what Tom Wolfe calls the 'blue parentheses' on both coasts Culture has gotten too angry, mean and vulgar.

    Was it for this the wild geese spread The gray wing upon every tide For this that all that blood was shed, For this. Edward Fitzgerald died, And Robert Emmet and Wolfe Tone, All that delirium of the brave Romantic Ireland's dead and gone, It's with O'Leary in the grave.

    The board as I see it has made a decision, ... Mr. Wolfe as far as I'm concerned is our superintendent until some legal concerns are taken care of.

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