Quotes about worsen (15 Quotes)

    We have given Gaia a fever and soon her condition will worsen to a state like a coma. She has been there before and recovered, but it took more than 100,000 years. We are responsible and will suffer the consequences.

    The Administration estimates that its HSA-related tax proposals would cost 156 billion over the next ten years, which would worsen the nation's fiscal problems. Professor Gruber's study raises very serious questions about the wisdom of these proposals.

    The environment continues to worsen versus our expectations, and we continue to think the seasonally weak first quarter will be the toughest quarter in terms of year-over-year growth. We also continue to expect the market to strengthen in the second half of the year, when the impact of the dot.com bubble has worked its way out of the system.

    Never assume the ability to walk means your ankle isn't broken or badly sprained. Putting weight on the injured joint can worsen the problem and lead to chronic instability, joint pain and arthritis later in life.

    In 2001, the company faces concerns that economic softness in the United States could worsen and expand into non-U.S. markets, ... Increasingly aggressive price competition and the potential effects of ongoing adverse currency movements are other areas of volatility.

    When asked by the Senate Armed Services Committee whether the situation could worsen in Iraq if the constitution were approved but with a large Sunni no ... I think that's entirely possible.

    We would get more constructive on shares on supply chain improvements and a pickup in the wireless business. Conversely, our outlook would worsen on margin deterioration and market share losses in the optical and enterprise businesses.

    I have received reports that a cyclone is expected to strike over the eastern parts of southern Africa over the next few days, and this may worsen the rainfall and flooding situation in Botswana,

    We fear this decision is going to worsen the confusion in the minds of the public about whether you can legally discriminate in the name of religion. The bottom line is that you should not be able to treat patients in a discriminatory way.

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