Quotes about wsu (9 Quotes)

    We are very pleased with the outcome of the election and I would like to thank all of the students who voted, regardless if it was for or against the referendum. It was very important to WSU athletics that all students had the opportunity to give their voice on this matter.

    We work quite closely with the WSU Police and Pullman Police. Unfortunately, due to the lack of resources, a lot of times we end up playing firemen on drug cases, reacting to what has already happened. WSU had a problem and that problem is not getting any better.

    I've always felt WSU was the premier university in the Missouri Valley Conference. We have the best community. We have the best overall facilities. We should be ranked, in all sports, at the top of our league.

    They are definitely not playing with a full complement of players. But we didn't take advantage of it last week against WSU when Derrick Low was out, so we can't approach it as who's not here. We have to worry about coming out and playing 40 minutes, which is what we did Thursday night against the Trojans an 86-77 UW win.

    We're feeling pretty good right now. With our No. 10 ranking, there's been a lot of criticism and skepticism, people saying we aren't playing up to our ranking. But that's just how it is. It could have been bad after the WSU loss, but we ended up turning it around and making it good.

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