Quotes about x-factor (15 Quotes)

    Wind is always the X-factor because it's tougher to manage and there's nothing you can really do. If the wind's blowing, the ball is going to go where it's going to go.

    He was really raw when he came in, but he has a lot of talent. I asked him in the beginning of the season, and he didn't even know what his times were at Brother Martin. He's been like a surprise kid in this league. You have to have depth, and he's an X-factor for us.

    I think destiny is preparation meeting opportunity, but there's an X-factor that's uncontrollable, and maybe that X-factor was being here in Wisconsin. But we worked hard. We prepared ourselves for this opportunity.

    He didn't play the last time we were down here, so he was the new X-factor thrown into the mix and I'm sure they weren't prepared for that.

    The way the game went, I think the tempo and what we were trying to achieve was rock-solid. We had some very good looks at the basket inside of 5 minutes, and those shots didn't go. And then, finally, as far as the way Kearney played, for them, in my opinion, the X-factor obviously was Chris Dean.

    I think coach Hill has come in here and has been the 'X-factor' that has propelled our team to a new level. She has raised the team's level of confidence, has always focused on the positive, and has brought a new mindset to the program.

    In the end, it's the viewers' that will vote for you. So if you have that charisma, that X-factor, and people like you when they see you, you've got it made already.

    Our ticket sales are tracking about 35 percent ahead of the Women's Open at this time. If that holds true, we're looking at well over 130,000 spectators. The X-factor is the weather. If it rains for a week straight and you've got muddy conditions, that's not conducive to people walking around. Or if it's horribly hot like last year. That obviously keeps people away, but you cross your fingers and hope the conditions allow for spectators to have an enjoyable time.

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