Quotes about year-round (16 Quotes)

    If you just focus on J. J. and just watched him, you'd be shocked at the maze of things that he has to get through usually to get a shot. I think he's just evolved each year as a better basketball player, and the last two years he's made a year-round commitment to being in exceptional shape.

    The city supports the shelter being open an additional day for humanitarian reasons because we don't think the storms are over. But getting approval for a year-round shelter would take a separate (council) action.

    I love baseball. I'm down here in Arizona because of baseball. I'm the only one down here from my family. They want me to come back to Ohio, but I say, 'No way.' The weather's great and baseball is year-round down here. The players are nice. It's fun meeting the new guys and learning who they are.

    The idea that we have to have a system that is uniform everywhere all schools look alike, the same desk, the same light, all the same over and over. Maybe 12 years is too short or too long. Maybe it should be year-round. Maybe it should be longer days. I don't know, all I'm trying to do is start that debate.

    I'm very familiar with the program and I know them all very well. They all have great ambition and they're all very motivated. Some of them are year-round swimmers, and that's definitely going to help things out quite a bit.

    To me, it's peer recognition, community recognition, simple as that. We've got kids here putting in hours year-round, giving up things because they want to pursue a much higher level, and they see their peers getting all the attention.

    It's very warm there, so we were outdoors all the time. The local people had programs for us year-round, where as kids we had the opportunity to play football, basketball, baseball, track and field - we just went from one sport to the next, year-round.

    When I had it done in 1974, I didn't think it would be the epidemic it is right now. It's absolutely inexcusable. Personally I think it borders on child abuse. You get a parent that sees a kid that has pretty good ability and will hire coaches. They'll train year-round and then they'll wonder why their arm goes at 13 years old.

    Mammoth is an incredible community and world-class attraction, ... We're committed to creating a vibrant living experience that matches the natural, majestic beauty of the area. 8050 Mammoth will make the new Village at Mammoth one of the hottest year-round playgrounds in North America. For the first time, Mammoth will be a place where outdoor enthusiasts can experience the unparalleled amenities and services of a five-star resort hotel combined with privileges of owning a prestigious second home.

    Most gardeners don't need me telling them that it's good to have year-round interest. You want a garden with as many flowers, for as long as possible, and that's what the pollinators want too. My advice is to garden just to suit yourself and the bees and the butterflies will be perfectly happy.

    Last year, it just didn't work out - the program, the way I want to do things, ... The majority of that is because they work out on artificial surfaces. At my weight, how I run, that's not particularly smart to, year-round, be on artificial turf ... I don't have to explain myself to Coughlin. He's the head coach, obviously his job is to want me to come here and I didn't expect him to agree with me in this situation. I just dealt with it.

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