Adam Ereli Quotes on Duty (9 Quotes)

    We don't practice torture, and we don't believe that others should practice torture. We think that there should be an investigation and those who are responsible should be held accountable.

    So don't suggest that the way to solve this is for the U. S. to jump into negotiations. The way to resolve it is to get Iran to cease and desist from its active refusal to be a responsible member of the international community.

    Before anybody asks the United States to do something, it's up to Iran to answer the questions, act like a responsible member of the international community, and stop violating its agreements with the EU-3 and others.

    Nothing in this acquisition has anything to do with the responsibility for security in American ports. That remains very firmly in the hands of the Department of Homeland Security. What we're talking about is the management of some port operations.

    And as long as we're dealing with one-sided, polemical resolutions that put all of the blame on one side and do not recognize the responsibility of others, particularly these terrorist groups, then it's not a fair, it's not a balanced resolution that we can support.

    There are claims of responsibility. They're really, quite frankly, hard to verify. I wouldn't be able to tell you that we know who's responsible at this point.

    Rather than see a collapse or a setback, I think in some ways, you can see an affirmation that the approach we've been taking has worked. You've got political leadership acting together on behalf of the common good, and you've got security forces demonstrating that capability and a responsibility as a national entity that we've been working to develop and that has now been put to the test and, I think, is proving successful.

    These latest remarks ... are clearly appalling and reprehensible. They certainly don't inspire hope among any of us in the international community that the government of Iran is prepared to engage as a responsible member of that community.

    In any situation like this, where passions are high, it's important both to respect citizens' civil and political rights and at the same time refrain from violence and refrain from actions that provoke confrontation and provoke violence, and that's a responsibility incumbent on all citizens.

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