Adam Ereli Quotes on Government (29 Quotes)

    Well, obviously, any such reports are taken very seriously by us. We haven't been able to confirm them. We have contacted the government of China about them.

    We will urge the government of Azerbaijan to make immediate investigations into these irregularities and fraud, consistent with Azerbaijan's laws, institutions and election legislation.

    The US position is this is a sovereign decision for the government of Israel to make. We understand that decision.

    The United States calls on the government of Iran to allow freedom of religion for all Iranians, and to ensure the right to freedom of speech and expression for all its citizens, without fear of discrimination, intimidation or imprisonment.

    That's a question best put to the Iraqis. It's their government. They'll decide who they want to head it. It's somebody who, under the terms of the Iraqi Constitution, needs to have the support of two-thirds of the National Assembly. So they've got to find somebody -- around which they can unite.

    I think it is fair to say that both the U. S. government and the Ukrainian government share a common concern and a dedication to acting to prevent or to find out and prevent cases of proliferation. That's certainly true in this instance.

    The conditions are less important than the fact that there are good-faith discussions going on about resuming full-bore talks on a national unity government.

    We will do all that we can, working with the Pakistani government, to see that those responsible for this attack face justice.

    We are in contact with the government of Nigeria to determine his whereabouts. We have made it clear to the government of Nigeria that it has a special responsibility to make sure that Charles Taylor is brought to justice.

    We will work with the government of Iraq and security officials of Iraq to bring those responsible to justice.

    Our dealings with Venezuela and our contacts with Venezuela are mostly through our embassy. There was a Venezuelan official here a couple of weeks ago, met with Assistant Secretary Shannon and other State Department officials, but there's been no recent contact from Assistant Secretary Shannon to the government or plans for a visit.

    He is a member of the government of Iraq and an official of the government of Iraq, and there are things that are important for us to talk about with him.

    I would note that the government of Israel also said that they're mindful of the humanitarian needs of the Palestinian people and will act with those concerns at heart.

    The United States encourages the government of Tunisia to continue to take further actions consistent with its declared intentions to engage in greater democratic reform.

    This was a visit that was decided on and organized and undertaken by the Turkish government.

    The United States wants to see the boycott against Israel dropped completely by everybody. We are working toward that, frankly, with the government of the UAE.

    He is not traveling as an official representative of the United States, and he is not carrying a message on behalf of the government of the United States.

    Obviously, when there's a new government, we'll need to reassess our positions, based on the formation of that government and the composition of the government.

    I'm not aware that the government of Haiti is eager or urging Aristide to come back. They've got a democracy to build ... and the future is not the past. Aristide is from the past. We're looking to the future.

    We share the government (and) people of Egypt's grief at this attack. We are, as ever, ready to work with them to confront the threat that we all face from international terror.

    We've asked the government of Libya to identify the source of the interference and resolve the problem. And we'll be continuing to investigate it.

    He is an official and a representative of the government of Iraq.

    So if anybody needed a reminder, this is it, that the Syrian government should take immediate steps to crack down on this group and to inhibit its activities by shutting down Islamic Jihad offices and expelling its personnel.

    This is not about a speech by our ambassador, it's about failed economic policies of the government of Zimbabwe and President Mugabe.

    You've heard from members of Congress their distress at the developments in Egypt. If I were an Egyptian, or an Egyptian government official, I'd be concerned at the kind of reaction that these latest actions will get ... regarding the (U. S-Egyptian) relationship.

    The secretary and Foreign Secretary Straw noted, our message to the Iraqi political leadership is Let's hurry up and form a government because there's a political vacuum that is necessary to seal in order to address the sectarian violence.

    Nick offered the condolences of the US government to the people of Iran, the government of Iran for the loss of lives and on behalf of the US government, offered our assistance to the families of the victims.

    The United States has urged the government of Iraq to investigate and take action against any of its personnel who've been involved in torture and abuse.

    These latest remarks ... are clearly appalling and reprehensible. They certainly don't inspire hope among any of us in the international community that the government of Iran is prepared to engage as a responsible member of that community.

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