Adam Ereli Quotes on Violence (12 Quotes)

    We are interested in ways that we can help support the Palestinian people and the Palestinian leadership as they try to emerge from the past years of conflict and violence.

    There are forces seeking to prevent democracy and obstruct the peaceful political and economic development of Iraq. They seek to achieve their goals in a number of ways. But, as I said before, promoting sectarian violence is one of them. There's nothing new here.

    We are deeply concerned about the continued erosion of Sri Lanka's four-year old ceasefire as marked by the recent series of violent incidents.

    Such violence is inconsistent with LTTE claims to be committed to the peace process.

    We will also make the point that all protests and demonstrations need to be peaceful, legal all parties should refrain from violence.

    to deal with this and see if we can help to contain the violence and get the parties to act responsibly.

    This is horrific act of violence which we condemn.

    Both stated that the immediate priority is to end the violence.

    It is an unacceptable act of terror, a clear provocation and an escalation of violence.

    That is one of the reasons why we think that the Sharon plan provides such an opportunity, because it offers a chance of breaking the cycle of violence, withdrawing from territory, abandoning settlements, giving Palestinians control over land, and reinvigorating institutions that can meet the needs of the people,

    The secretary and Foreign Secretary Straw noted, our message to the Iraqi political leadership is Let's hurry up and form a government because there's a political vacuum that is necessary to seal in order to address the sectarian violence.

    In any situation like this, where passions are high, it's important both to respect citizens' civil and political rights and at the same time refrain from violence and refrain from actions that provoke confrontation and provoke violence, and that's a responsibility incumbent on all citizens.

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