Adam Timmerman Quotes (24 Quotes)

    Reggie was a great guy to have in the locker room and really meant a lot to us as a team, both on and off the field. He helped me, personally, with my faith, and I looked up to him the whole time. He was too young a man to have this happen to him. I think that anyone who knew Reggie knows that he is in a better place.

    I was definitely in too much pain for most of the season and not feeling the way I want to feel. Just to feel good enough to practice and play the game is something I guess I've taken for granted a little bit.

    It's been tough, because my body hasn't really allowed me to do the extra stuff to get me to where I want to be, conditioning-wise, ... because you spend more of the regular season just trying to recover for the next week, rather than trying to press forward to get where you need to be.

    Usually when you get field goals and you don't get touchdowns, it comes back to haunt you later in the game. Sure enough, it did. That just shows you that you really have to capitalize when you get that opportunity.

    When the flap's up, it's definitely for temperature relief. When it reaches a certain temperature, it comes up.

    I think it says a lot about him being unselfish and seeing the talent in Steven himself.

    That does seem a little bit strange. I guess the old men are still serving it up the way it's supposed to be served up.

    The first time I saw it, it was like a car wreck. I just couldn't take my eyes off of it.

    It's very reminiscent. With probably more people affected.

    For Week 2, I'm sure it gives you a little something to get going on the game.

    He seemed like a nice guy, a family guy ... real quick-witted, personable and easygoing.

    Unless it feels bad. We kind of left the door open, if after a quarter I don't feel good. But otherwise, I'm going to try to go a half.

    I miss Macomb a little bit. But the hotel rooms are nicer. Just being at our own facility, we have so much at our disposal here.

    It helps, just the mixing it up. It's nice when we're pushing them back and running the ball.

    I think it's been great to have the fans around. There's no reason to make them drive three hours (to Macomb) to go see us.

    There's been plenty of weird things going on this year.

    It'll come back late in the season, you'll be looking at that game as one you should have won, and shoulda, woulda, coulda, and all that stuff. But you can't do anything about it, so you have to do something about it this week.

    There's really no excuse for it, but it would be better to just have more preparation. I think this week we at least have one game against their defense, plus they have the same defensive coordinator as last year.

    When you hear that date, it just can't help but jog your memory. You hear 911, it just makes you think of what happened. Plus, I think we played San Francisco the first game after 911.

    It's tough to take a loss like that, ... Physically, it seemed like they outmatched us.

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