Ahman Green Quotes (9 Quotes)

    We just stuck to our game plan and ran right at them, ... We knew we couldn't run away from them. We had to run right at them and make them play us. That's what we did, and we were successful.

    I'm a competitive guy, and I can't wait to do battle in Halo 2 with my fans,

    I hated to see that I was probably more mad than he was, ... He did exactly what was expected of him. For him to go in there and play like he did, and then get hurt, it sucks.

    This entire experience, particularly the negotiation session, has helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses in business. They provided tools that will help me become a better negotiator. I wish I could be a student here for a full semester.

    It was like, okay, he's back. Now we can concentrate on other things. We can talk about who we're going to talk with the first pick in the draft.

    We have to keep our mistakes to a minimum and not worry about what happened the last three games, ... Even if we were 3-0, we still couldn't worry about what we did in the last three games. We can't let it go to our heads whether we are 3-0 or 0-3.

    I never thought of it as something I've got to get out of my system,

    Nothing with me has been different, just our situation, ... I don't worry about where I start up at, or where I finish. As long as we are winning games is all that matters.

    You'd think the big news in the locker-room this week was the start of the preseason, but all everyone could talk about was the new Madden game. Everyone had to check out their new ratings and the new features in the game.

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