Al Groh Quotes on Running (5 Quotes)

    A great majority of the runs came off of about two or three different plays and we tried four or five solutions to them. In the long run, no matter what the call or the adjustment was, too many guys got blocked. You've got to beat blocks. If you don't beat blocks, you are going to give up some yardage.

    That's the basic nature of their scheme anyway, to gang up on the run, try to condense the field.

    What happened last game was, Mike forgot about the ball. He was interesting in running the play and wasn't telling himself, 'Hey, I've got the ball.'

    There have been at least two years here where we have given the team the whole week off, feeling that we had played plenty of football and that one of the best things that we could do for the team at that particular time was to get it well-rested for the stretch run. Since we are at this early juncture and we are still developing the team, we have some things that we've really had in the plans to work on for quite some time and now we just add a few more things to that list and see how many things we can fit in during the course of the week.

    While they run the ball very well, they like to pass-and they pass it well. You can't be the fifth-ranked total offense in the nation just running.

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