Alex Auld Quotes (20 Quotes)

    He brings passion, he brings energy, he's a great leader. His poise with the puck, his puck-moving ability, his defensive play -- he's a world-class player. It would be great to see him back.

    I think we have to stay out of the box to begin with. We're taking too many penalties every game and end up having to over-play a lot of guys (on the penalty kill).

    That's pretty impressive and the confidence is high. That's a tough team to play. They're a frustrating group, but the fact our offensive stars are willing to buy in and play a patient game is important.

    A win is a win, I guess that is the most important thing. We kind of let them back in it there and we have to learn from that.

    That's the way the games are in the new NHL. With a lot of power plays and 5-on-3s, it makes it tough. It shows no lead is safe.

    You've got to be prepared for anything, but I'm not too worried about it trade deadline and haven't given it much thought. I'm still of the mindset that I'm playing almost every night and that's great.

    We've really got to work on our defensive game. We have to be tighter.

    I guess it's just one of those things. I think we've played some really good games against the Eastern teams because we respect them.

    I just felt the puck hit me I don't know how many times. I heard one of my defensemen yell, 'It's still loose' and then somebody shot it down the ice.

    You feel like maybe you need the rest . . . but you have to make sure you stay on top of the little details.

    It's too bad to see a teammate go down and a good friend like that. It's unfortunate, but I'm just going to do the things I've been doing, that's working hard and working on preparation.

    I didn't have a lot of work until the end but that's part of the challenge, staying sharp and knowing the next save could be the big one because it was a tight game until the very end.

    Our penalty kill was as close to perfect as it could be. In their zone we were tremendous and our pressure up ice was really good. There were great clears and the guys really let me see the puck.

    A little bit of healthy competition is a good thing. Dan has been through a lot of what I'm going through and he's somebody you can talk to. We've always had a good relationship.

    I just want to try and make every save and take care of what you can. It's obviously nice to get the offensive support that I had tonight. It makes it that much easier.

    It's nice to get back in there and that's what anyone would ask for, to get right back on the horse. I'm looking forward to it and putting Wednesday night behind me and moving on.

    He got a good shot away on the 5-on-3 and I just couldn't squeeze it.

    Any time you seem to gain momentum, they snatch it right back with a big shift right away or a couple of shifts later. They turn things around so quickly, it's frustrating.

    You've got to make that save. It's too crucial to be letting in goals like that.

    We need more from everybody, myself included. We need to make sure we're bringing it here down the stretch.

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