Alfred Mutua Quotes on People (8 Quotes)

    We believe that people are suffering and people might have died as a result as hunger, we cannot be in denial and say that people are not dying.

    We have food until June, but if it doesn't rain, then we are in deep trouble, then we have to start importing food, but we have still asked for international assistance because it is very, very expensive to feed our people.

    The government will ensure that no food meant for hungry people is diverted.

    As long as (trapped) people are getting oxygen, they have said they will work until the very last minute.

    We heard a lot of people talking about witch-hunting.

    As a government, we could not stand and look at people starving. WFP was only covering a certain part of the population. We were forced to use our network to save the lives of our people. At the end of the day, people were saved.

    The government has waived taxes on relief food because the food did not come for sale but to be distributed to people.

    We appreciate when people are willing to help us, but they should be sensitive about our culture.

    More Alfred Mutua Quotations (Based on Topics)

    People - Government - Food - Chance - Countries - Time - Business & Commerce - Resource - Opportunity - Health - Death & Dying - Balance - Society & Civilization - Hope - Birds - Progress - Manner - Custom & Convention - View All Alfred Mutua Quotations

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