Ali Larijani Quotes on Countries (15 Quotes)

    We hope that the new Palestinian government overcomes its current problems with the help of Islamic countries, including Iran.

    Since the call is made by a prominent Iraqi Muslim leader, Tehran accepts it in order to resolve problems in Iraq and to help establish an independent government and real freedom in that country.

    Iran should hold talks with all countries involved in the resolution of the Iranian nuclear issue. These countries are Russia, China and the European Union.

    It would be a disgrace to condemn with sanctions a country for peaceful research. Surely the world would not accept such an action. But if this kind of mistake happens, the consequences of the wrong actions will return back to those who put Iran under pressure.

    I want to say that the process of enrichment is the sovereign right of any country. You should not take away this right from nations which have a peaceful nuclear program, which consequently, includes also enrichment.

    The national security doctrine of Iran has no place for an atomic bomb. You cannot destroy a country or wipe it off the map through democratic means.

    Negotiations are welcome, either with Europeans or non-Europeans, but all these countries should only act as a catalyst for swiftly settling the nuclear dispute within the IAEA regulations.

    I think if a country has just a little brain, it would not depend on the fuel from another country.

    The process of enrichment is the sovereign right of any country.

    Given the support of Iranian people, no leader will be able to retreat in the nuclear energy sphere in this country. The Islamic Republic of Iran detests any threats in the sphere of protection of its legal rights in the nuclear research.

    It's not logical for a country to put the fate of its nation at the disposal of another country even if it's a friend. You can meet part of your fuel needs from abroad.

    We agree with International Atomic Energy Agency inspections and international regulations. In this regard, therefore, they should not make threats against a country that believes in these regulations. Threats and violent behavior were used in the past and they did not work.

    We cannot just forever drop the idea of uranium enrichment at home, especially when we have both the uranium and the technical know-how inside the country.

    Iran is not pessimistic...but it does not permit the others to draw the outlines of talks and to impose them on the country.

    If Russia made an official proposal on enriching uranium in that country, we would be willing to discuss the option.

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