Anderson Cooper Quotes on People (6 Quotes)

    This is going to be a difficult week ahead, for families watching at home and for first responders collecting the people and trying to restore them some dignity, ... There's not a lot of dignity to be had in these floodwaters.

    I wouldn't call it looting. What I have seen is desperate people kind of wandering around here in downtown Gulfport. There are a lot of police here in Gulfport, so you can't get away with looting. But I have seen people picking stuff up from the wreckage. I saw a man with two bottles of olive oil. He was hoping to try to cook something up. He says he has no water. He doesn't really have much of a place to go. So there are a lot of people just desperately in need.

    A lot of compelling stories in the world aren't being told, and the fact that people don't know about them compounds the suffering.

    I imagine a lot of people tune in simply to watch reporters get bitch-slapped by Mother Nature, and frankly, who can blame them?

    To me, there are a lot of questions that need to be answered. I think a lot of people here are furious at mine officials. If officials knew the initial report was incorrect, why didn't they come forward

    There's a value to bearing witness to what hundreds of thousands of people are going through. I see nothing wrong with a reporter going through it with them. I've never pretended to grab onto something. The audience knows when something's real and when it's not.

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