Andrew Bell Quotes (16 Quotes)

    It's reasonable to assume that equity markets will make money this year. There's nothing like the end of an interest-rate cycle to get investors' juices flowing.

    Bond markets seem to have decided that perhaps there is a bit too much growth, not so much that they're fearful of a big break up in inflation ... but that central banks are going to keep chipping away at the foundations of cheap money.

    There is improving confidence in the durability of this Nasdaq rally,

    We want to show people about folk art and inform them.

    What we're seeing is people banking enormous profits in these stocks.

    We're excited to be able to help raise awareness for the Soccer United Recovery Fund the fact that the Charleston Battery is located in a city and in a part of the country that has seen its share of hurricanes over the years helps us appreciate the dangers and the severity of these storms. We're glad to help out in any way we can.

    Well, what I would be looking for and what judges look for are aerial tricks off the water, ... They are judged on technique and variety. Basically, each trick they throw gets two points.

    The market is only trading on about 13 times this year's earnings, which is hardly suggestive of irrational euphoria, and growth is still coming in quite strongly. I think there's an expectation that there will be further bid activity during the year.

    Christmas proved to be less difficult than people were expecting. Retailers expected a dull Christmas, so they didn't overstock and have had less discounting to do.

    We need to explain to people what it means to be a Spartan.

    Markets are more confident that the central banks and G7 governments are determined to underwrite a recovery for next year. As the shockwaves of last month's events subside markets are backing that with a bit more confidence.

    There's a sense that there's a reasonable momentum behind the world economy. For the moment people are probably increasing their growth expectations for this year.

    If people feel they got screwed, I'd be happy to show them everything. I've never heard of any real big problems with the elections.

    To keep the spending momentum going beyond the holiday period I think shops are going to have to discount quite heavily so I would sell the retailers into the current rally.

    I don't think there is a huge amount of news content in the strikes. The news would be if they stirred up a major hornets' nest of political controversy or if there was an unacceptable amount of damage.

    We're more worried about student reaction if the teams play in bigger games such as the Elite Eight.

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