Andrew Kohut Quotes on Time (4 Quotes)

    One-third of the national sample said all illegal aliens should be sent home now one-third say they support guest-worker status accorded to some form and some period of time, and one-third said let them all stay.

    We still live in a time where people feel threatened, and the Democrats have been at a disadvantage on this issue, and for them to make progress they have to address it.

    Attitudes are a little more complicated than thumbs up or thumbs down. Americans do care about Iraq, but it doesn't have the personal impact that the war in Vietnam had. Secondly, this is a more patriotic time. Even though the public is disillusioned with the war in Iraq, it tends to support the concept of preemptive war at a time when most people feel we're at risk.

    Maybe I'm alone in this view. But I'd think that Gore, if he were to lose, might have a hard time capturing the nomination because he failed to win at a time of great prosperity and having a president with a 55 approval rating despite 'Clinton fatigue' and all that. Many might argue that the problems were based on the candidate and not on the issues.

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