Ann Johnson Quotes (6 Quotes)

    There is no attempt by Walter Reed to hide the number of patients we receive.

    We're real relieved not to have to go to trial. It was very hard on our family and I'm sure it was on the other families.

    Men need nutrition, counseling and health classes just as much as women,

    The new value added is going to be difficult for high-performing groups. It's harder to show growth.

    We encourage anybody who has an interest in Pound to be a part of the management team, ... By no means is it limited. If you have a desire to work with us, we'd love to have you.

    About 51 percent of nonprofit executives have been in their positions five years or less. Most of the time, the No. 1 reason that most executive directors leave their positions is because they feel isolated. They have all of the organization on them. Much of the responsibility and accountability rides on their shoulders.

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