Ann Strother Quotes on Time (9 Quotes)

    It took some time to get going, but for the final 15-20 minutes, it looked like Connecticut basketball. That was really good to see. That play when Wolff hit the three was one of the high points.

    There was a time where nothing was really going on and it was kind of stagnant. I think we needed to get something going if we were going to win. So this was the time.

    It's definitely different having to go somewhere for the first time, not being at home for the first two games. But that's kind of exciting, too. No matter where you play, no matter who you're playing against, it's tournament time and that's always fun.

    She even makes sure we have panty hose on when we go to banquets. She just wants us to be our best and do our best and look our best all the time.

    Obviously, there's a certain amount of time you have to put in before you're even allowed to be nominated for something like that. Realistically, I think that it's something he should have and could have gotten a lot earlier if the time restrictions hadn't been put in. I think he's always acted like a Hall of Fame coach.

    I think were all realizing that its the culmination of our last regular season. This is the time where every senior in the past had to step up and make things happen (Wills) been playing like crunch time for the past couple games.

    It's gone on for a long enough period of time. They know what to expect. Things that we're going to have to come back here for and finish up, they're really understanding.

    We were experiencing a little lull at the time when they were going on a run. We needed to step up and make something happen.

    I think this is a crucial time. I don't think it's something that you can just look past to just get through it. I think right now is a time when we really need to come together and figure out who we are and what we need to be to go into the second half o

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