Anthony Chan Quotes on Economics (10 Quotes)

    Consumers at this juncture are fighting the forces of economic slowdown with patriotism, ... As economic conditions continue to deteriorate, this challenge will become greater.

    This report was very encouraging. It gives us stronger employment growth than the market was expecting while none of negative side effects of economic growth are present, such as higher inflationary pressure from wages.

    We had economic growth of 8.3 percent in the fourth quarter of 1999, and a lot of business plans were based on that oversized growth, ... When you make capital spending plans based on that kind of economic growth, you're going to get a lot of problems.

    What it tells us is that we may see a bit of an easing off of economic growth or momentum. But even though the trajectory of growth may, in fact, ease a bit in 2006, I think the expansion remains intact.

    I think this is the best of all possible worlds for the Fed. They'd like to see the economic expansion sustained without the side effect of higher inflationary pressure from wages.

    A declining deficit may be signaling a slight loss of economic growth momentum.

    Now, with the economic recovery appearing to be somewhat in place and the central bank not lowering rates, we see people trying to get in at the gates before rates start to rise.

    They (wages) are still not at levels we would expect at this point in an economic expansion.

    Real new home sale prices and existing-home sale prices have been rising very sharply. When that starts to give way and we don't have the equity market picking up where housing left off, that's another reason the economic expansion will be gradual.

    When you listen to Greenspan's speech, you hear a fear about the sustainability of economic growth and no inflation pressures. Guess what that spells Lower interest rates and postponing a return to higher rates, to insure the sustainability of growth.

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