Anthony Chan Quotes on Mind (5 Quotes)

    One thing to keep in mind is that Challenger's numbers are not seasonally adjusted. Therefore, when you make comparisons, you really have to make them on a year-to-year basis,

    This economic recovery is a lot more fragile than most of us thought.

    Neurodegenerative diseases like Huntington's disease are complex disorders that involve genetic defects and physiological changes including the death of neurons that lead to a wasting away of the brain, ... Because of their genetic and behavioral similarities with humans, transgenic nonhuman primate models will allow us to clarify the correlation between defects and neurological changes caused by neurodegenerative diseases.

    There's no question the recovery is taking longer than people thought. People thought the economy would pick up very quickly and that we would have a typical garden variety economic recovery. That's not the case, but the good news is it is a recovery. You can't ask for more than that.

    Even though I don't think one number is going to change the Federal Reserve's mind, the markets react to data as it comes out and these numbers were not inflation friendly.

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