Art Hogan Quotes on Business & Commerce (3 Quotes)

    Concerns about higher interest rates and the yield on the 10-year note may keep stocks on the south side again this morning. The higher yield ... acts as a tax on corporations, and it may also attract money to the bond markets from equities.

    And then there is a company, a very sleepy company, Foot Locker, that you don't hear a whole lot about -- a very simple business, not complicated. They're doing very, very well, ... They didn't over-expand into the end of the '90s. They typically run at about a 13, 14 PE ratio. They're above 11 now. We see the stock making a nice quiet gain over the next couple of months, and couple of quarters, and doing very, very well.

    Hogan also likes Intel for a position in the semiconductor industry. Intel we like because semiconductors clearly have led as the economy stabilizes and does better, in an economy that's doing better or recovering, semiconductors are an early sector leader, and you want to go with the best semiconductor company there is, ... So Intel is an obvious choice as a recovery play.

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