Arun Taneja Quotes (4 Quotes)

    Mendocino is definitely a company to watch. With an established pedigree of enterprise storage domain expertise, and a distribution model that delivers application and data recovery solutions to enterprises through trusted supplier partners, Mendocino is well positioned to provide solutions that can meet the most stringent recovery requirements.

    Exchange has been so painful. Restoring the database to look for just one message can be like re-creating the universe just to look for a blade of grass.

    A Microsoft-based WAN Optimization andor WAFS platform that offers native integration with native Microsoft security and management technologies is both unique and highly valued by enterprises that have embraced these technologies. Tacit Networks has the only WAN Optimization and WAFS solution we have seen that is able to offer this Microsoft integration to businesses.

    MAID takes all the negatives of disc out of the picture. Hard disc drives are faster and more reliable than tape. When you add the option of powering down drives when not in use, you eliminate heat and power consumption as the major negative points in running large hard drive archives.

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