Ash Rajan Quotes (4 Quotes)

    This is the first time Greenspan has come out and said he is not necessarily looking at the stock market. Greenspan also talked about technology and productivity, which obviously spurred gains in the Nasdaq.

    Oracle is really a leader in that B2B niche, and it's made such a splash in that new niche because it's created that niche for itself, and it's doing extremely well. Obviously, if you want to time the stock, you pick it on a day when the stock price is down, but if you're a core-holding type of a buyer, Oracle should be right at the top of your list, without eyeing the price so much, if business-to-business e-commerce is your priority.

    Investors are becoming extremely prejudiced about fundamentals. There's no conviction and volume is really light.

    I am willing to make the bet that given the global recovery we've seen in Asia and Europe, South and Central America, and here in the U.S. in a big way, despite the slowdown, the tech infrastructure, Web infrastructure, and e-commerce software names still have a tremendous earnings potential going forward.

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