Ashley Lelie Quotes (15 Quotes)

    Every year I would miss a couple days with my legs and stuff like that. I was trying to see if I come in early it's going to help that out. So far, my legs are good.

    You can tell by his demeanor that he lets all that stuff roll off his back. He can handle it. That's just his personality.

    v I blocked well, I was physical, I didn't let myself be guarded, ... They didn't do a great job covering me, I just didn't make the plays like the easy catches or the read with Jake downfield.

    We were 13-3 and we won the (AFC) West. But 20 years from now, when people look back, no one will remember that we got this far.

    If we want to win games, we have to improve on third downs and in the red zone. It's as simple as that. I don't think we did that great (Sunday). We did better than last week, but it wasn't enough.

    We played an ugly game. But we beat the Super Bowl team.

    Jake on the run is awesome. I think he's one of the best at doing that. All I know was Jake was outside the pocket and he threw it to me. I just threw my hands up and gave myself a chance to make the play. It was really gutsy, but we needed that. We needed to score more than three points.

    They still have to play us Saturday. So whatever they did in the past doesn't make a difference.

    We can, I'm not going to say if we are or not. But their front seven is back healthy and that's going to make their defensive backs play a lot better.

    Of course, a lot better. He plays smarter. He doesn't make a lot of the same mistakes. He doesn't force balls. When the play is not there, he'll make a play to live to the next one.

    He's definitely been playing a lot smarter. He's not trying to make every single play. It's a credit to him understanding and accepting his role on the team. He puts up wins for us when he plays smart like that.

    It might have been an ugly game, but it was against a Super Bowl team. We knew it would be ugly we just had to make more plays than they did.

    He's not forcing balls. Second-and-10 or something like that, he'll throw it away. It's the plays that people don't really look at. I think last year there were a lot of times he would try to force it in to make plays.

    A lot of media are going to point the finger at him, but this was not Jake's fault.

    It was the way he went about his business. I can take that into my game.

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