Ben Carlson Quotes (8 Quotes)

    What we're looking at right now (with rising insurance costs) has upset the apple cart, and they're putting their nose to the grindstone and taking on some financial responsibility they haven't had to do in the past.

    It's a fact of life creative shops have to compete with shops from anywhere,

    We know we can't continue like we have for years. We need more race days, higher purses, and we need to reduce the costs of the horsemen coming to the track. Unfortunately, we can't make a move in that direction in 2006, but hopefully in the future we can come out of it and continue.

    This validates one of the premises of our business.

    We've had our nose to the grindstone to make our income match expenses for nine years. Their events are tied to their fairs.

    Come to hell and high water, we're scheduled for eight dates and we're going to run them.

    Although they could go to a breeder and get a fairly similar pet, they want the most similar pet possible. They want a later-born identical twin, so they come to us.

    This justifies our investment in the field. We've long suspected that if anyone beat us to this milestone, it would be Dr. Hwang's team -- due partly to their scientific prowess, and partly to the greater availability of canine surrogates and ova in South Korea.

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